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  • Do you ship internationally?
    Baby Eats The Alphabet is based in the United States, and we ship to the U.S., Canada, and Australia through our website. Additionally, we ship worldwide on our Etsy store! Check out our Etsy shop >
  • Is Baby Eats The Alphabet only for baby-led weaning babies? I use purées.
    Nope! You can create your Baby Eats The Alphabet book even if you are starting your baby with purée feeding – it just might take longer to complete. There are plenty of pages you can work on while doing purées, such as banana, carrot, pear, sweet potato, etc. As your baby gets older, you can start exploring textures like avocado and eggs. Once you and your baby are ready for finger foods, you can complete the rest of the book!
  • My child will not eat some of these foods. Can I customize the food pages?
    We currently do not offer customized books, however, Baby Eats The Alphabet is supposed to be a FUN food adventure for both you and your baby. Create your book in the way that works best for you. If that means just having your child take a picture holding that food instead of eating it - that's okay! If it means having your child color a picture of that food instead of eating it - that's okay! If it means having your child eat a Fig Newton cookie instead of a fig - that's okay! We encourage fun exposure to foods instead of pressuring your child to eat them.
  • I can't find (insert food) anywhere! How do I finish my book?
    It was quite a challenge to come up with a baby-friendly food for every letter of the alphabet, and we apologize if a few of them are hard to find. If you are having trouble finding a certain food, feel free to use some creativity! There are no rules to creating your Baby Eats The Alphabet book, so don't stress yourself out or go on a wild-goose chase to find the only one in your county. If you can only find dried figs, canned pears, or frozen sweet potato fries - that's okay!
  • I don't feed my child sugar, so what do I do for the donut, jam, and xmas cookie pages?"
    Create your book in the way that works best for you! You can make a sugar-free donut, use mashed strawberries for a homemade "jam," and have a teething biscuit be a cookie. There are no rules to creating your Baby Eats The Alphabet book, so do what works for you and your child.
  • Does the kit come with everything I need to create my book? Do I need to purchase anything additional?
    The Baby Eats The Alphabet photo book kit comes with everything you need to complete your book, except the printed photos of your child(ren). You will need to print out the photos you would like to use in your book. Our photo book kit comes with: One 10" x 10" hardcover book with beautiful hand-drawn food illustrations 26 4"x 6" clear photo protector pockets 26 4"x 4" clear photo protector pockets Double-sided tape for adhering your adorable photos into the book Three rolls of assorted washi tape Ten 8" x 8" assorted cardstock paper Sheet of hand-drawn stickers Checklist magnet for keeping track of your A to Z progress If you would like to add additonal stickers to your photo book, we do offer for sale three other sticker sheets: one for fruit, one for veggies and one for yummy items.
  • Will I be able to complete the book if my child is vegetarian/vegan?
    Yes! Our book is vegetarian and vegan-friendly! So, What's On The Menu: • Avocado • Banana • Carrot • Donut • Eggplant • Fig • Green Bean • Honeydew • Iceberg Lettuce • Jam • Kiwi • Lemon • Mushroom • Noodle • Orange • Pear • Quinoa • Raspberry • Sweet Potato • Tomato • Unsweetened Applesauce • Veggie Chip • Watermelon • Xtremely Messy Meal • Yogurt • Zucchini
  • Can I make a Baby Eats The Alphabet book with my toddler/older child?
    Yes! You'll see that many of our pictures feature toddlers. The Baby Eats The Alphabet photo book kit is a great way to give children of all ages a positive exposure experience to new and familiar foods! If you have a picky eater, this is a fun activity to get your child interacting with foods they may not be comfortable eating just yet. They will love the idea that they will be the "star" of their own book. Have fun with it! You might also want to check out the Cooking The Alphabet blog series, where I cooked the alphabet with my one-year-old and three-year-old, and then created a recipe memory book to document our adventure! It was a great way to teach them basic kitchen skills, while creating a keepsake we will cherish forever.
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