Hi, I’m Amber, and I’m cooking the alphabet with my two toddlers!

Today we woke up bright and early and cooked raspberry pancakes!
We normally do our cooking together in the mid-morning, but I have to say it was really fun to jump right into it for breakfast!
What you need:
1 Cup Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1 Cup Milk
1 Egg
2 Tablespoons Melted Butter, extra for frying in pan
1 Cup Raspberries
Tools: Clean hands, Whisk

Getting The Kids Cooking:
Set-up tasks your toddler can help with include:
Grabbing kitchen tools
Grabbing ingredients
Then the fun part comes:
Mix flour and baking soda in a bowl
In a separate bowl, whisk egg, milk, and butter
Pour liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and whisk until combined, but still slightly lumpy
Rinse raspberries
Lightly squeeze raspberries above bowl to break them apart and fold into batter, it's okay if they break open - it adds a nice color to the batter!
Cook pancakes as usual!
Don't forget to put the raspberries on your finger tips while giggling! I wasn't brave enough to let my kids try to flip a pancake, but I did let my three-year-old stand on a chair to help me watch for bubbles to know when to flip!
Remember to take photos of your little chef mixing, whisking, and squeezing!
Now that the kids had fun, it's mama's turn!
Let's assemble the R page in our Baby Eats The Alphabet Recipe Book!
What you need:
Of course, we recommend purchasing a Baby Eats The Alphabet kit, which will have everything you need to create your recipe book keepsake (except the photos of your little ones), but honestly, the point is to create a beautiful book of your memories - which you can with: printed photos, paper (we recommend paper at least 8.5" x 8.5" so you can fit a photo plus the recipe!), double-sided tape, any fun embellishments you want like stickers, washi tape, or photo protectors, and something to hold your pages, like binder or scrapbook!
Write your recipe:
Use a small piece of paper to write down the recipe you used, and any memorable notes you want to record, for example: "Don't forget to snack along the way!"

Pick your photos and lay everything out:
Before applying any tape, I recommend you lay out all of your elements to make sure everything fits and you like how it looks. Once you're happy with it, tape everything down, starting with the bottom layer first! And here's how mine turned out:
I would love to see what you decided to cook and create for R is for Raspberry! Please tag me in your creations @BabyEatsTheAlphabet!