Spring With You: A Spring Bucket List Scrapbook challenges your family to complete 20 spring-related bucket list items and then document your memories with a handmade scrapbook!
Spring With You makes it easy to document the simple, everyday moments of spring with your family while creating a keepsake scrapbook to remember every memory.
Each prompt features a free or low-cost activity to complete as a family. Get creative and do each activity how it works best for YOU, and remember, you can go at your own pace and complete the bucket list in one spring or over several years.


Complete each prompt, remembering to document each experience with one or more pictures! Get creative and do each activity how it works best for YOU, and remember, you can go at your own pace and complete the bucket list in one spring or over several years.

Assemble your book! You can use photo protectors, paper, double-sided tape, decorative washi tape, and stickers, or just keep it simple with a photo on each page!

Print your photos! Print them in 4"x 6", 4"x 4", or a combination of both!
*Printed photos are not included.

Cuddle up and read your new book...again...and again...and again!
• Blow bubbles
• Color with chalk
• Play in the rain
• Play in the mud
• Nature scavenger hunt
• Paint rocks
• Have a tea party
• Fly kites
• Decorate eggs
• Paint a birdhouse
• Play with water balloons
• Spot a butterfly
• Visit the library
• Plant a seed
• Play catch
• Spring clean
• Watch birds
• Make a treat
• Game night
• Send a letter

Complete at your own pace:

Get creative and do each activity how it works best for YOU, and remember, you can go at your own pace and complete the bucket list in one spring or over several years.
Spring With You: A Spring Bucket List Scrapbook was designed to be a simple way to create a scrapbook for those who want to remember the everyday moments of being a parent. Simply add photos onto the right-side pages! The brightly illustrated spring items on each page are already printed in the book, so further decorating or writing is completely optional. There are no predetermined photo spots, so you can print photos in any size under 8” x 8”.